Happy World Water Day!

Today marks the day of the first global water conference in 50 years because now, in 2023, the discussion of water could not be more prevalent and important for humanity’s wellbeing. This holiday we celebrate the efforts to enforce the importance of building a water-secure world by addressing concerns with safety, quality, equality, sustainability and accessibility. Access to clean water is becoming more scarce and depleted, along with quantities threatened by climate change and the natural turmoil that comes in part.  

The 2023 UN Water Conference will be in progress from March 22nd to the 24th. The overarching goal is to create sustainable development goals that aid the health and wellness of the people and planet. The three day long conference will have joint efforts from international governments and communities committed to delivering a strong Water Action Agenda to ensure the availability and sustainability management of water for all. The European Commission presented 33 notable commitments, from priorities, to policies and actions, to the EU’s vision of water management by 2050. 

"The UN 2023 Water Conference in March must result in a bold Water Action Agenda that gives our world's lifeblood the commitment it deserves," stated UN Secretary-General, António Guterres. 

Water, in its most foundational form, is the essential common denominator between all living things – without it we perish. It’s a needed reliable source, whether clean or not. Many communities around the world do not have accessibility to clean water, or even water at all, in fact about 2 billion people go without access to safe water. Diving in a bit deeper, about 40% of the world’s people have fallen victim to water scarcity, and the water that may be available is dangerous and toxic to ingest. About 80% of the world’s wastewater is discharged and released back into the environment without treatment, traveling into villages, ponds, lakes, oceans and other bodies of water, contaminating and causing illness across all that consume. 

The two main priorities of the conference and the water drinking world is to develop and support access to safe drinking water, and stabilize healthy aquatic ecosystems. With those two at the forefront of innovation, hopefully the rest of what is at stake will thrive once again. 

So now that we know the importance of water, how do we help?

  1. Raise awareness in your local community: whether posting on social media, or attending ad hoc meetings or rallies. If you are old enough, vote for representatives that are in support of clean water, along with policies and laws that have viable claims. 
  2. Practice the responsible use of water – turn off the faucet when not in use, use the washer during “off peak” hours (4pm-7pm), invest in a water filter to rid of plastic bottles, fix leaky pipes and sinks, reduce shower time, and make sure the dishwasher is at full capacity before turning on.
  3. Become acquainted and educated on the growing statistics of water management and global scarcity – along with the new UN Water Action Agenda that breaks down the new policies and actions being put forth. 
  4. Donate to viable charities that support and bring access to those without clean water. And visit the United Nations World Water Day official website to learn more. 
  5. Lastly, appreciate the experience of drinking safe water in your home, many do not have that privilege. 

“Water is a fundamental part of all aspects of life. Water is inextricably linked to the three pillars of sustainable development, and it integrates social, cultural, economic and political values,” - UN Water Conference opening ceremony.