Tips For A Zero Waste Road Trip

Did someone say road trip? Yes, please! Just remember: road trips often come with a whole lot of waste, so you’ve got to be mindful about how you approach your epic adventure. If you want to have the time of your life whilst making a minimal impact on our environment, discover how you can tackle your next journey in the kindest way possible!


Take Your Reusables

Whenever you can, take reusables with you on your journey. This can include a reusable coffee cup, water bottle, drink straw, food containers, tote bags, cloth wipes, and any other product you can think of! As humans, we can be very wasteful, which is why it’s crucial to be prepared and pack items that you can use on your road trip over and over again.



It’s natural to want a hot, home-cooked meal when you are on the road, but this isn’t always what’s convenient. Frequently, people opt for fast food on road trips, thus building up a multitude of plastic packaging in the process. So, how can you avoid this junk packaging? Perhaps you could try finding a diner or a restaurant where you don’t need to take your food away with you. Some eating places are now trying to reduce their carbon footprint, so it’s worth researching and finding out what places you’re going to ride by on the road.



Consider what you have the capacity to lug around with you on the road – it’s best to be prepared and plan ahead when it comes to toiletries, only packing what you need into reusable travel tubes. If you happen to forget your shampoo and body wash, use the hotel’s resources instead of buying more. This will reduce material demand in the long run. Just make sure that if you open a tube, hold onto it for next time, so you don’t waste anything!


Clean up!

When road-tripping, it’s often difficult to remember that you’re still a responsible adult. But this is the perfect time to clean up whilst on the go, whether you happen to participate in a beach clean-up, do a little litter picking, or volunteer at a center on one of your road trip stops.


By actively being mindful of how you are impacting our environment whilst on the road, you can inject more meaning into your trip and make it particularly special—for both you and the environment. Happy traveling!