Ecotourism’s core is simply a genuine and earnest desire to protect the environment and be as sustainable as possible.
Humanity’s impact on the environment is well-known and documented across the globe. Every country faces its own struggle to preserve its natural resources, whether that be its mineral wealth or indigenous flora and fauna. However, although many are aware of the issues surrounding mining, overfishing, and other direct exploitations of the natural environment, few are aware of the more indirect routes to causing environmental destruction. Perhaps the most subtle, yet nefarious, form of natural exploitation comes from tourism.
People are attracted to natural environments that provide a sense of wonder and comfort. From city-dwellers traveling to rural areas or natural parks on their off time to international travelers vacationing in exotic locations, tourism has proven to be a major stressor on the environment. This may take the form of disturbing natural wildlife or taking small mementos from the location, which ultimately amounts to large ecological losses to the environment.
However, tourists rarely intend to cause harm. Local tourism and hospitality services may leverage the natural environment to ensure their guests and customers enjoy their stay and encourage others to visit. Although this is sometimes undertaken by those seeking to secure their livelihood, it is still undoubtedly an unsustainable practice. This is why ecotourism has taken center stage in the hospitality industry.
Ecotourism aims to help curious travelers explore and appreciate the natural environment in a sustainable fashion. Ecotourism is based on two essential tenets, environmental awareness and education. When tourists are educated appropriately and informed about how they should interact with the natural environment, incidences of environmental exhaustion or abuse dramatically decrease. Ecotourism’s core is simply a genuine and earnest desire to protect the Earth and be as sustainable as possible.
Information is key. Those seeking to conduct ecotourism services should first seek knowledge about the local environment. A national department dedicated to natural conservation can be found in any country and should be the primary resource for information. They would be able to help you find safe and accessible areas to enjoy the natural environment. These organizations will also partner with approved ecotourism companies, so visitors know where they may get dependable ecotourism services. This works to reassure tourists and help them feel comfortable with their guides.
Australia's Great Barrier Reef is not only the largest coral reef in the world but a recognized World Heritage site. Ecotourism in this area is a thriving industry, despite the delicate nature of the coral reef itself. However, visitors have been known to take mementos, such as breaking off pieces of the coral, which can amount to immeasurable destruction over the years.
Australia has successfully circumvented these issues by highlighting and encouraging sustainable ecotourism. One of their most successful companies is Quicksilver Cruises, which offers guests the chance to visit a reef and see corals up close. However, Quicksilver Cruises has taken the initiative to educate their guests on how to best interact with the coral reef. They advise their guests on the behavior and pollutants that may disturb the local environment, as well as ensure their boats do not damage or release unwanted pollutants themselves.
Their dedication to the environment has earned them recognition from the government of Australia. They have been granted a spot among the country's first ecotourism innovators in Australia’s Hall of Fame, as well as awarded Climate Action Innovator and Advanced Ecotourism status through Australia’s Eco Certification Program, the highest eco-certification in Australia. By working in tandem with government resources and outlines, Quicksilver Cruises was able to benefit from the credibility lent to them through earning these certificates, as well as the additional advertisement and recognition provided by the Australian government.
This exemplifies the most productive and efficient route to recognition as an ecotourism company. Their primary mode of marketing targets tourists who seek to interact with the environment on a sustainable basis, their certification is then used to leverage their credibility and prominence as an ecotourism company. This combination serves to support their company as an authority for local ecotourism and draws the attention of ecotourists who genuinely seek to support the natural environment.
Humanity’s impact on the environment is well-known and documented across the globe. Every country faces its own struggle to preserve its natural resources, whether that be its mineral wealth or indigenous flora and fauna. However, although many are aware of the issues surrounding mining, overfishing, and other direct exploitations of the natural environment, few are aware of the more indirect routes to causing environmental destruction. Perhaps the most subtle, yet nefarious form of natural exploitation comes from tourism.
People are attracted to natural environments that provide a sense of wonder and comfort. From city-dwellers traveling to rural areas or natural parks on their off time to international travelers vacationing in exotic locations, tourism has proven to be a major stressor on the environment. This may take the form of disturbing natural wildlife or taking small mementos from the location, which ultimately amounts to large ecological losses to the environment.
However, tourists rarely intend to cause harm. Local tourism and hospitality services may leverage the natural environment to ensure their guests and customers enjoy their stay and encourage others to visit. Although this is sometimes undertaken by those seeking to secure their livelihood, it is still undoubtedly an unsustainable practice. This is why ecotourism has taken center stage in the hospitality industry.
Ecotourism aims to help curious travelers explore and appreciate the natural environment in a sustainable fashion. Ecotourism is based on two essential tenants, environmental awareness, and environmental education. When tourists are educated appropriately and informed about how they should interact with the natural environment, incidences of environmental exhaustion or abuse dramatically decrease. Ecotourism’s core is simply a genuine and earnest desire to protect the environment and be as sustainable as possible.
When tourists are educated appropriately and informed about how they should interact with the natural environment, incidences of environmental exhaustion or abuse dramatically decrease.
Information is key. Those seeking to conduct ecotourism services should first seek knowledge about the local environment. A national department dedicated to natural conservation can be found in any country and should be the primary resource for information. They would be able to help you find safe and accessible areas to enjoy the natural environment. These organizations will also partner with approved ecotourism companies, so visitors know where they may get dependable ecotourism services. This works to reassure tourists and help them feel comfortable with their guides.
Australia's Great Barrier Reef is not only the largest coral reef in the world but a recognized World Heritage site. Ecotourism in this area is a thriving industry, despite the delicate nature of the coral reef itself. However, visitors have been known to take mementos, such as breaking off pieces of the coral, which can amount to immeasurable destruction over the years.
Australia has successfully circumvented these issues by highlighting and encouraging sustainable ecotourism. One of their most successful companies is Quicksilver Cruises, which offers guests the chance to visit a reef and see corals up close. However, Quicksilver Cruises have taken the initiative to educate their guests on how to best interact with the coral reef. They advise their guests on the behavior and pollutants that may disturb the local environment, as well as ensure their boats do not damage or release unwanted pollutants themselves.
Their dedication to the environment has earned them recognition from the government of Australia. They have been granted a spot among the country's first ecotourism innovators in Australia’s Hall of Fame, as well as awarded Climate Action Innovator and Advanced Ecotourism status through Australia’s Eco Certification Program, the highest eco-certification in Australia. By working in tandem with government resources and outlines, Quicksilver Cruises was able to benefit from the credibility lent to them through earning these certificates, as well as the additional advertisement and recognition provided by the Australian government.
This exemplifies the most productive and efficient route to recognition as an ecotourism company. Their primary mode of marketing targets tourists who seek to interact with the environment on a sustainable basis, their certification is then used to leverage their credibility and prominence as an ecotourism company. This combination serves to support their company as an authority for local ecotourism and draws the attention of ecotourists who genuinely seek to support the natural environment.